Tre bicchieri Vinitaly 2014
I would like to thank you the Vinitaly p.r. to invite me to this amazing tasting about the selection of "Tre bicchieri" the most recognize award about the Gambero Rosso magazine in Italy. Everything was done in the Palaexpo in the Argento room underneath the Lombardy pavilion. Vinitaly this year was quite crowd, hundred maybe thousand people walking around and lineup for drinking wines and asking question. This tre bicchieri event, was quite good enough room to put your glass on the table, and if you'll find the producer at the pouring it was like a feast (asking question and sharing knowledge). On this event on my personal opinion there were some wine was great and some so and so. So let's start with the bicchieri Raffaele: Pian di stio 2012 fiano In Pasteum village the street of mozzarella there is this winery called Pasteum or San Salvatore 1988, Pasteum is the name of the town were the winery is located from organic agriculture their Fian...