
Showing posts from April 28, 2019

Vivent Les Vins... Libres Singapore 2019

15th April 2019 in Singapore was hold the Paris born wine fair VIVENT LES VINS LIBRES.  Who they are and what are they doing? Les Vivent Les Vins Libres is a collective of natural winemakers, whose goal is to share its common passion for natural wine and winemaking philosophy with passionate people. For many years now, they have been gathering every June in Paris around a grand wine tasting event, where reputable winemakers and new young upcoming winemakers showcase their wines & passion. In 2014, they decided to bring this event abroad and decided that each year they would organize this event in a different city to meet people from all over the world and share a common passion - natural wine, wine with a soul! Amsterdam, Bruxelles, New York, Montreal, Hong Kong & Singapore. Singapore is an outstanding city with an interesting equator climate condition hot and humid, a country where winemaking definitely is not possible, however, is a great destination for h...