Les Choisilles 2009

Grape varieties: Chenin Blanc (Pineau de Loire)
Byodinamic system, none of chemicals have been used in the vines, just working on the soil with organic matter and prepared compost.
Density 6600 ceps per hectare.
Age of the vines 30 to 90 years old.
Income are 43 hectoliters for hectare.
Soil are silex, clay, limestone and Tuffeau named les Choisiless.
Training system Guyot and gobelet.
Harvest manual in different times on the field.

Today I had this superb wine from Montlouis sur Loire in Touraine district in Loire region. Quite gold in color not really clear and lucid with a complexity viscosity. The nose was youthful but to use an oximoron was developing... note of honey, mushroom, candid citrus character, ripe yellow fruit good balance with a present acidity musk by some residual sugar. Petrol nose, flinty and limestone some undertone of charcoal. Mouthful with deep length and complexity… Need some age to show is best but great chenin blanc.. Outstanding


A drinker

Chablis Climats and Lieux-dit

Wine Masters Season 1 ‘France’.

Brunello based on a map….